Our Experience with WHSV

Kitty's interviewInterview with Kitty at WHSV TV in Harrisonburg, VA

Before we even got into the building, Devin had a good idea that we should get a photograph of both of us by the sign. After that we went into the building and before entering we needed to ring a bell. We then entered and met Kitty Capelle. From the moment we met her she was sociable, friendly, kind, and helpful. She showed us around and introduced us to her colleagues. We then did the interview with her that you can look at in our other post for today. We felt so bad that we had to stop in the middle of our conversation with her because the batteries ran out. We would like to apologize again to you and to Kitty. It was nice seeing some commotion when we first stared taping,not sure all of what was going on, but people were definitely surprised by what they heard about someone important.

After that she invited us to sit and watch some of the noon news as it was coming on, which was really cool for both of us. Devin and I were surprised in that there were so few people actually in the news room at the time of the recording and in how it was so quiet. We then left the room where they were recording and headed over again to Kitty’s desk. For the last few minutes she explained to us more of what she did and showed us on her computer how she “filters” some tweets if they are inappropriate from the tweets done from her colleagues. She then will let them know that if it was something inappropriate. Most of the people there really laid back and friendly. By spending just about an hour there was eye opening to how things work and people’s jobs and it was overall very exciting and fun. I would definitely want to know more if I visited again if I had the opportunity. There just is an atmosphere about the studio when we walked in that seemed important. Loved every minute of it! Again here is Kitty’s Twitter @WHSV_KittyC  (email-kcapelle@whsv.com) and WHSV @whsv twitter.

Devin WHSV TVDevin standing in front of WHSV TV sign

Leah WHSV TVLeah standing in front of WHSV TV signvid cameraInside the studio in the recording room

morning updateInside minutes before the noon newsnews at noon

Teleprompter before recording


I can’t believe the incredible experience we just had!

Such an amazing behind the scenes tour of our local news room.

As we entered the building, I was pretty nervous, the excitement of being in a live news room was just too thrilling for me to handle. You could say I was as giddy as a school girl 😉

Once we walked through the buzz doors, Kitty meant us with open arms. She was very kind to show us all the inside workings of the Channel 3 News room. We even got the first scoop on Ken Slack, I don’t have a clue who the man is but he’s leaving NBC 29 news, you heard it here first 😉 Once you see the interview you will understand.

The coolest part of the tour was being able to sit in the actually newsroom will the news was being broadcast live! I was so tempted to pull a Borat and run in front of the camera during the weather but I didn’t want to get kicked out or get Kitty in trouble 😉

Let’s get real, I WOULD NEVER DO THAT!

Here are some of our pictures that we would like to share with you: